Get your name in SENTRY
You can get your name in SENTRY by signing up to our Newsletter, which you can find here:
Why else might you want to sign up for our newsletter? Firstly, we get a lot of requests for people who want to be first in line for any demo-testing, and a Newsletter will be one of the first places we announce it.
Secondly, it’ll be an awesome source of SENTRY knowledge delivered direct to your inbox. We only send emails infrequently and when we’ve got a lot to talk about, so it’s not one of those spammy newsletters we all hate.
And perhaps saving the best till last, anybody who signs up to the Newsletter gets their name in the game!.
We did this with our previous title Abandon Ship, where newsletter names were used for randomly generated crewmembers. You can read about the details of how it was used by clicking on the image below:
How does it work?
Each SENTRY is responsible for repelling alien invaders, drawn from ship crew who are kept in stasis until your vessel is boarded. Should your SENTRY perish in battle, another crew member will be activated until the threat is eliminated. The name of each SENTRY is pulled at random from a database, and being subscribed to the newsletter means your name is added to that database. So anyone who plays the game will potentially see you pop up!
So if you’re interested in SENTRY, sign up now!